Minolta Welding Skills Competition: Defend Quality and Create High Quality Products

Welding, as a crucial part of fitness equipment manufacturing, directly affects the quality and safety of products. In order to continuously improve the technical level and work enthusiasm of the welding team, Minolta held a welding skills competition for welding personnel on the afternoon of July 10th. This competition is jointly sponsored by Minolta and the Ningjin County Federation of Trade Unions.

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Administrative Director Liu Yi (first from left), Sales Director Zhao Shuo (second from left), Production Manager Wang Xiaosong (third from left), Technical Director Sui Mingzhang (second from right), Welding Quality Inspection Director Zhang Qirui (first from right)

The judges for this competition are factory director Wang Xiaosong, technical director Sui Mingzhang, and welding quality inspector Zhang Qirui. They have rich experience and professional knowledge in the field of welding in this competition, and can fairly and objectively evaluate the performance of each contestant.

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There are a total of 21 participants in this competition, all of whom are carefully selected welding elites. It is worth mentioning that there are two female athletes among them, who showcase their female talents in the welding field with strength no less than that of men.

The competition begins, and all participants enter the welding station in the order of drawing lots. Each workstation is equipped with the same welding equipment and materials. This competition not only tested the welding speed of the welders, but also emphasized the quality and accuracy of the welding. The judges conduct comprehensive and strict evaluations from aspects such as process operation and process quality to ensure fairness, impartiality, and openness in the competition.

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After more than an hour of intense competition, the first place (500 yuan+prize), second place (300 yuan+prize), and third place (200 yuan+prize) were finally selected, and awards were presented on-site. The award-winning contestants not only received generous bonuses, but also were awarded certificates of honor in recognition of their outstanding performance.

Exhibition of excellent works

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Technical Director Sui Mingzhang (first from left), Third place Liu Chunyu (second from left), Production Manager Wang Xiaosong (third from left), Second place Ren Zhiwei (third from right), First place Du Panpan (second from right), Ningjin County Federation of Trade Unions Yang Yuchao (first from right)

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After the competition, Director Wang Xiaosong delivered an important speech. He highly praised the outstanding performance of the contestants and encouraged everyone to continue to maintain this craftsmanship spirit, constantly improve their technical level, and contribute to the development of the company.

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The Minolta Welding Skills Competition not only provides a platform to showcase one's skills, but also injects new momentum into the company's sustainable development. In the future, we will continue to hold similar competitions and activities to continuously improve the technical level of our employees and bring more high-quality products to our customers.

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At the end of the competition, all participants and judges took a group photo together to capture this unforgettable moment and witness the complete success of the Minolta Welding Skills Competition.

Post time: Jul-15-2024