Minolta Fitness Equipment|Love Transmission,Assisting Education

On September 7th, 2024, the County wide Conference on High Quality Development of Education and the 40th Teacher's Day Celebration Conference were held. County Party Secretary Gao Shanyu attended the meeting and delivered a speech. County Deputy Secretary and County Mayor Zhang Jianjie presided over the meeting. County leaders including Zhang Huili, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, and Wu Yongsheng, Chairman of the County Political Consultative Conference, attended the meeting.


Comrades in charge of relevant departments and units in each township (development zone, street) and county, responsible persons of caring enterprises, middle-level and above cadres of the county education and sports bureau, secretaries of the education party branches in each township (street), principals of primary and secondary schools, central kindergarten principals, and teacher representatives from the county and townships attended the meeting.


At this conference, Minolta fitness equipment also participated as a charitable donation enterprise. Minolta fitness equipment has always actively practiced social responsibility and focused on the development of education. This time, Minolta Enterprise donated 100000 yuan in love funds, contributing its own strength to the development of education.


At the conference, Minolta fitness equipment was also awarded the medal of Education Love Enterprise, which is the recognition and encouragement of the county leaders for our company's active participation in public welfare education.


In the future, Minolta will continue to uphold the concept of "spreading love and assisting education", actively participate in public welfare undertakings, and make more contributions to the development of Ningjin together with various enterprises.
Assisting education not only brings a sense of satisfaction and achievement to companies, but also has profound social significance. Every assistance is a positive feedback to society. After helping others, we always have a small sense of achievement and satisfaction. This kind of goodwill action brings us inner peace and harmony, making us feel that we have realized our value to a certain extent and made the world a better place. Finally, I sincerely hope that all the flowers of our country can receive good education, and I hope that Minolta will continue to improve!

Post time: Sep-19-2024